Package com.python.pydev.analysis

Source Code of com.python.pydev.analysis.CtxInsensitiveImportComplProposal

* Copyright (c) 2005-2011 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
* Please see the license.txt included with this distribution for details.
* Any modifications to this file must keep this entire header intact.
* Created on 16/09/2005
package com.python.pydev.analysis;

import java.util.List;

import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposal;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposalExtension;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.IContextInformation;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDecoratedTextEditorPreferenceConstants;
import org.python.pydev.core.docutils.ImportHandle;
import org.python.pydev.core.docutils.ImportHandle.ImportHandleInfo;
import org.python.pydev.core.docutils.ImportNotRecognizedException;
import org.python.pydev.core.docutils.PyImportsHandling;
import org.python.pydev.core.docutils.PySelection;
import org.python.pydev.core.docutils.PySelection.LineStartingScope;
import org.python.pydev.core.log.Log;
import org.python.pydev.editor.PyEdit;
import org.python.pydev.editor.actions.PyAction;
import org.python.pydev.editor.autoedit.DefaultIndentPrefs;
import org.python.pydev.editor.codecompletion.AbstractPyCompletionProposalExtension2;
import org.python.pydev.editor.codecompletion.IPyCompletionProposal2;
import org.python.pydev.editor.codefolding.PySourceViewer;
import org.python.pydev.plugin.PydevPlugin;
import org.python.pydev.plugin.preferences.PydevPrefs;
import org.python.pydev.ui.importsconf.ImportsPreferencesPage;

* This is the proposal that should be used to do a completion that can have a related import.
* @author Fabio
public class CtxInsensitiveImportComplProposal extends AbstractPyCompletionProposalExtension2 implements
        ICompletionProposalExtension, IPyCompletionProposal2 {

     * If empty, act as a regular completion
    public String realImportRep;

     * This is the indentation string that should be used
    public String indentString;

     * Determines if the import was added or if only the completion was applied.
    private int importLen = 0;

     * Offset forced to be returned (only valid if >= 0)
    private int newForcedOffset = -1;

     * Indicates if the completion was applied with a trigger char that should be considered
     * (meaning that the resulting position should be summed with 1)
    private boolean appliedWithTrigger = false;

     * If the import should be added locally or globally.
    private boolean addLocalImport = false;

    public CtxInsensitiveImportComplProposal(String replacementString, int replacementOffset, int replacementLength,
            int cursorPosition, Image image, String displayString, IContextInformation contextInformation,
            String additionalProposalInfo, int priority, String realImportRep) {

        super(replacementString, replacementOffset, replacementLength, cursorPosition, image, displayString,
                contextInformation, additionalProposalInfo, priority, ON_APPLY_DEFAULT, "");
        this.realImportRep = realImportRep;

    public void setAddLocalImport(boolean b) {
        this.addLocalImport = b;

     * This is the apply that should actually be called!
    public void apply(ITextViewer viewer, char trigger, int stateMask, int offset) {
        IDocument document = viewer.getDocument();
        if (viewer instanceof PySourceViewer) {
            PySourceViewer pySourceViewer = (PySourceViewer) viewer;
            PyEdit pyEdit = pySourceViewer.getEdit();
            this.indentString = pyEdit.getIndentPrefs().getIndentationString();
        } else {
            //happens on compare editor
            this.indentString = new DefaultIndentPrefs().getIndentationString();
        //If the completion is applied with shift pressed, do a local import. Note that the user is only actually
        //able to do that if the popup menu is focused (i.e.: request completion and do a tab to focus it, instead
        //of having the focus on the editor and just pressing up/down).
        if ((stateMask & SWT.SHIFT) != 0) {
        apply(document, trigger, stateMask, offset);

     * Note: This apply is not directly called (it's called through
     * {@link CtxInsensitiveImportComplProposal#apply(ITextViewer, char, int, int)})
     * This is the point where the completion is written. It has to be written and if some import is also available
     * it should be inserted at this point.
     * We have to be careful to only add an import if that's really needed (e.g.: there's no other import that
     * equals the import that should be added).
     * Also, we have to check if this import should actually be grouped with another import that already exists.
     * (and it could be a multi-line import)
    public void apply(IDocument document, char trigger, int stateMask, int offset) {
        if (this.indentString == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Indent string not set (not called with a PyEdit as viewer?)");

        if (!triggerCharAppliesCurrentCompletion(trigger, document, offset)) {
            newForcedOffset = offset + 1; //+1 because that's the len of the trigger

        try {
            PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
            int lineToAddImport = -1;
            ImportHandleInfo groupInto = null;
            ImportHandleInfo realImportHandleInfo = null;

            boolean groupImports = ImportsPreferencesPage.getGroupImports();

            LineStartingScope previousLineThatStartsScope = null;
            PySelection ps = null;
            if (this.addLocalImport) {
                ps = new PySelection(document, offset);
                int startLineIndex = ps.getStartLineIndex();
                if (startLineIndex == 0) {
                    this.addLocalImport = false;
                } else {
                    previousLineThatStartsScope = ps.getPreviousLineThatStartsScope(PySelection.INDENT_TOKENS,
                            startLineIndex - 1, PySelection.getFirstCharPosition(ps.getCursorLineContents()));
                    if (previousLineThatStartsScope == null) {
                        //note that if we have no previous scope, it means we're actually on the global scope, so,
                        //proceed as usual...
                        this.addLocalImport = false;

            if (realImportRep.length() > 0 && !this.addLocalImport) {

                //Workaround for:
                //when importing from __future__ import with_statement, we actually want to add a 'with' token, not
                //with_statement token.
                boolean isWithStatement = realImportRep.equals("from __future__ import with_statement");
                if (isWithStatement) {
                    this.fReplacementString = "with";

                if (groupImports) {
                    try {
                        realImportHandleInfo = new ImportHandleInfo(realImportRep);
                        PyImportsHandling importsHandling = new PyImportsHandling(document);
                        for (ImportHandle handle : importsHandling) {
                            if (handle.contains(realImportHandleInfo)) {
                                lineToAddImport = -2; //signal that there's no need to find a line available to add the import

                            } else if (groupInto == null && realImportHandleInfo.getFromImportStr() != null) {
                                List<ImportHandleInfo> handleImportInfo = handle.getImportInfo();

                                for (ImportHandleInfo importHandleInfo : handleImportInfo) {

                                    if (realImportHandleInfo.getFromImportStr().equals(
                                            importHandleInfo.getFromImportStr())) {
                                        List<String> commentsForImports = importHandleInfo.getCommentsForImports();
                                        if (commentsForImports.size() > 0
                                                && commentsForImports.get(commentsForImports.size() - 1).length() == 0) {
                                            groupInto = importHandleInfo;
                    } catch (ImportNotRecognizedException e1) {
                        Log.log(e1);//that should not happen at this point

                if (lineToAddImport == -1) {
                    boolean isFutureImport = PySelection.isFutureImportLine(this.realImportRep);
                    lineToAddImport = selection.getLineAvailableForImport(isFutureImport);
            } else {
                lineToAddImport = -1;
            String delimiter = PyAction.getDelimiter(document);

            appliedWithTrigger = trigger == '.' || trigger == '(';
            String appendForTrigger = "";
            if (appliedWithTrigger) {
                if (trigger == '(') {
                    appendForTrigger = "()";

                } else if (trigger == '.') {
                    appendForTrigger = ".";

            //if the trigger is ')', just let it apply regularly -- so, ')' will only be added if it's already in the completion.

            //first do the completion
            if (fReplacementString.length() > 0) {
                int dif = offset - fReplacementOffset;
                document.replace(offset - dif, dif + this.fLen, fReplacementString + appendForTrigger);
            if (this.addLocalImport) {
                //All the code below is because we don't want to work with a generated AST (as it may not be there),
                //so, we go to the previous scope, find out the valid indent inside it and then got backwards
                //from the position we're in now to find the closer location to where we're now where we're
                //actually able to add the import.
                try {
                    int iLineStartingScope;
                    if (previousLineThatStartsScope != null) {
                        iLineStartingScope = previousLineThatStartsScope.iLineStartingScope;

                        //Go to a non-empty line from the line we have and the line we're currently in.
                        int iLine = iLineStartingScope + 1;
                        String line = ps.getLine(iLine);
                        int startLineIndex = ps.getStartLineIndex();
                        while (iLine < startLineIndex && (line.startsWith("#") || line.trim().length() == 0)) {
                            line = ps.getLine(iLine);
                        if (iLine >= startLineIndex) {
                            //Sanity check!
                            iLine = startLineIndex;
                            line = ps.getLine(iLine);
                        int firstCharPos = PySelection.getFirstCharPosition(line);
                        //Ok, all good so far, now, this would add the line to the beginning of
                        //the element (after the if statement, def, etc.), let's try to put
                        //it closer to where we're now (but still in a valid position).
                        int j = startLineIndex;
                        while (j >= 0) {
                            String line2 = ps.getLine(j);
                            if (PySelection.getFirstCharPosition(line2) == firstCharPos) {
                                iLine = j;
                            if (j == iLineStartingScope) {

                        String indent = line.substring(0, firstCharPos);
                        String strToAdd = indent + realImportRep + delimiter;
                        ps.addLine(strToAdd, iLine - 1); //Will add it just after the line passed as a parameter.
                        importLen = strToAdd.length();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.log(e); //Something went wrong, add it as global (i.e.: BUG)

            if (groupInto != null && realImportHandleInfo != null) {
                //let's try to group it
                int maxCols = 80;
                if (PydevPlugin.getDefault() != null) {
                    IPreferenceStore chainedPrefStore = PydevPrefs.getChainedPrefStore();
                    maxCols = chainedPrefStore

                int endLine = groupInto.getEndLine();
                IRegion lineInformation = document.getLineInformation(endLine);
                String strToAdd = ", " + realImportHandleInfo.getImportedStr().get(0);

                String line = PySelection.getLine(document, endLine);
                if (line.length() + strToAdd.length() > maxCols) {
                    if (line.indexOf('#') == -1) {
                        //no comments: just add it in the next line
                        int len = line.length();
                        if (line.trim().endsWith(")")) {
                            len = line.indexOf(")");
                            strToAdd = "," + delimiter + indentString + realImportHandleInfo.getImportedStr().get(0);
                        } else {
                            strToAdd = ",\\" + delimiter + indentString + realImportHandleInfo.getImportedStr().get(0);

                        int end = lineInformation.getOffset() + len;
                        importLen = strToAdd.length();
                        document.replace(end, 0, strToAdd);


                } else {
                    //regular addition (it won't pass the number of columns expected).
                    line = PySelection.getLineWithoutCommentsOrLiterals(line);
                    int len = line.length();
                    if (line.trim().endsWith(")")) {
                        len = line.indexOf(")");

                    int end = lineInformation.getOffset() + len;
                    importLen = strToAdd.length();
                    document.replace(end, 0, strToAdd);

            //if we got here, it hasn't been added in a grouped way, so, let's add it in a new import
            if (lineToAddImport >= 0 && lineToAddImport <= document.getNumberOfLines()) {
                IRegion lineInformation = document.getLineInformation(lineToAddImport);
                String strToAdd = realImportRep + delimiter;
                importLen = strToAdd.length();
                document.replace(lineInformation.getOffset(), 0, strToAdd);

        } catch (BadLocationException x) {

    public Point getSelection(IDocument document) {
        if (newForcedOffset >= 0) {
            return new Point(newForcedOffset, 0);

        int pos = fReplacementOffset + fReplacementString.length() + importLen;
        if (appliedWithTrigger) {
            pos += 1;

        return new Point(pos, 0);

    public final String getInternalDisplayStringRepresentation() {
        return fReplacementString;

     * If another proposal with the same name exists, this method will be called to determine if
     * both completions should coexist or if one of them should be removed. 
    public int getOverrideBehavior(ICompletionProposal curr) {
        if (curr instanceof CtxInsensitiveImportComplProposal) {
            if (curr.getDisplayString().equals(getDisplayString())) {
                return BEHAVIOR_IS_OVERRIDEN;
            } else {
                return BEHAVIOR_COEXISTS;
        } else {
            return BEHAVIOR_IS_OVERRIDEN;


Related Classes of com.python.pydev.analysis.CtxInsensitiveImportComplProposal

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